
所内のMac Proに波動計算として10年近くIntel Fortranを利用してデータ解析を行ってきましたが、コンパイラが使えなくなるのは大変困ります。

NOTE: Starting with the 2024.0 release, macOS* is no longer supported in Intel® oneAPI Toolkits and components. Several Intel-led open source developer tool projects will continue supporting macOS on Apple Silicon including oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) and Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler and we welcome the opportunity to work with contributors to expand support to additional tools in the future. All macOS content will be removed from technical documentation in the 2024.1 release. If you need a copy of the documentation, click the Download button in the upper right or download it from the Downloadable Documentation site.


確かに、今後のMacはIntel CPUは使われず、Apple Silicon(Arm)が使われる事でしょうから、Intel側としては、サポートする必要はないですよね。
